Bleach bath is used to control the severity of eczema. It is thought to decrease inflammation of the skin which in turn reduces severity of itching and discomfort.
- 1. Add bleach to water
- Full tub: 1/2 cup bleach
- Half tub: 1/4 cup bleach
- Gallon of water: 1 teaspoon bleach
- 2. Soak for 10 minutes
- Soak you skin for 10 minutes or longer if you are comfortable with. Rinse if your skin doesn’t tolerate the bleach bath well.
- 3. Pat dry gently
- Gently pat your skin dry with soft cotton towel. Do not rub.
- 4. Apply topical medications to affected areas
- Gently apply topical medications given by doctor on affected areas immediately on pat dried skin
- 5. Apply moisturiser to the entire body
- At last gently apply good moisturiser to the entire body. (for more details on moisturiser refer Dermatologists’ top tips for relieving dry skin)
For any other questions visit your dermatologist